Friday, September 16, 2016

Think you are loosing friends?? Trust me u are NOT!!!

There are times in life when you are forced to think ..... is there anybody who would love me ? Trust me guys ...every one has been there...EVERYONE!. And its totally normal and definitely necessary as this is the only way you get to know who your real friends are.
Think of it this way ..  you wont be able to buy a new phone which is all sexy and ready to be your  pal until  you let go of the old one.  Here some people would say OLD is GOLD. trust me guys no way this is true(except in case of music) . The old  pals get settled at new places making new friends and definitely message you just on your Birthdays. How cool is that? :/

Yeah some friends STICK on like hot glue and if you've got some, you have heaven. Other than that ..the friends you make at college are probably going to last forever, as you see, you have literally been in sort of "live in " type of relationship with them. 

And yeah if you probably think you have less are hell wrong. Small and compact group make the perfect family away from home <3

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